Work schedule flexibility, health insurance plans, yoga classes. Employers increasingly take advantage of these benefits to boost employee morale. Such perks reassure employers that their staff gain a greater sense of work-life balance and can positively view their jobs and workplaces. Yet a recent Gallup report stated that 76% of employees had experienced burnout due to poor management, unmanageable workloads, and even unfair treatment at work. Unfortunately, the gloomy statistics don’t end here.
A CIPD 2020 survey report on Health and Wellbeing at Work found that stress-related absences increased by 37% since last year (absenteeism), and 89% of employees said they had attended work while feeling unwell (presenteeism). The McKinsey study also estimates that US employers incur healthcare costs of nearly $200 billion each year due to workplace stress.
Even with all the perks and activities companies tend to plan, employees still experience excessive stress at work. The effects are harmful to their mental and physical well-being. It may be necessary for them to take sick leave to recover. In other cases, despite feeling ill, they may feel an extra urge to work due to bandwidth and work commitments. Business performance and productivity are negatively affected by these issues, not only for the individuals affected but also for the entire organisation.
An employee’s level of engagement has to do with how enthusiastic he feels about his job responsibilities, how dependent he is on the organisation, how aware the employee is of the company’s goals, and how committed he is to attain them. The level of engagement can also be defined as the strength of the bond we feel with our work and our willingness to contribute to the organisation’s success.
The quality of our well-being directly impacts how well we perform at work and how well we feel, live, and live well. Well-being refers to our physical and emotional health and covers almost everything we do. It positively affects our well-being when we are satisfied with what we do daily. Additionally, if we feel well and full of energy, we can perform better at work.
The majority of employers know that a productive team is engaged. It is, however, less common to understand the association between engaging in a job and an individual’s well-being. It would be impossible for us to fully participate in work processes if we weren’t feeling well. Similar to this, because we spend a significant portion of our lives working, we will be less happy and satisfied if we don’t enjoy our work. The conclusion is that engagement in work and well-being are interconnected and synergistic, which means that if one is to improve, the other must be addressed.
A majority of employers that offer wellness programs report an increase in employee satisfaction, an increase in productivity, an increase in financial sustainability, and a decrease in absenteeism (IFEBP). Gallup’s study of employee wellbeing and engagement reveals the benefits of health programs in the workplace. Here are some benefits for employees who participate in well-being programs:
Behavioural change is the core of all successful well-being programs. Changing behaviours is possible with appropriate education, motivation, skills/tools, and social support. Healthy behaviours can be adopted and maintained through wellness programs. Perhaps the most significant benefit of a well-being program is the ability to handle stress at work.
The majority of well-being studies show that employees have healthier habits. They eat more nutritious foods, eat fewer portions, exercise more often, don’t smoke as much, don’t drink excessively, wear seat belts more often, and have little trouble managing stress. A wellness program can also help alleviate depression, reduce its symptoms, and improve life satisfaction.
As part of a wellness program, employees can reduce smoking and drinking, manage weight, eat healthily, exercise regularly, and improve overall health. As a result, chronic health issues (e.g., diabetes) and acute health issues are reduced.
Taking advantage of well-being programs helps employees and their spouses stay healthy by minimising health risks. The effectiveness of well-being programs in reducing health risks has been studied in hundreds of research papers. Comprehensive wellness programs that incorporate behaviour change techniques improve employee health behaviours, lower health risks, and, ultimately, decrease healthcare costs. In addition to encouraging healthy behaviours for the rest of their lives, these programs will also help employees maintain them.
Employees in poor health may not work productively, even when present at work. This is called “presenteeism.” Researchers have found that exercising, eating healthily, and quitting smoking can dramatically improve workplace productivity, lowering presenteeism and improving the efficiency and productivity of workplaces. The workplace allows you to meet new people and make new connections. Several factors can positively impact employee well-being due to interactions between employees, including trust and social support.
Employees who are satisfied with their jobs are your best brand ambassadors. Your customers will benefit from the positive energy that you put into them. Employees will be motivated to maximise customer satisfaction with your products and services.
Invest time in listening to your employees! If you fail to address employees’ grievances, they will feel like they do not have a voice. You may also be able to make your employees feel like they are valued members of your organisation when you listen to and act upon their recommendations. By doing so, you increase your employees’ well-being by making their work more meaningful. Employer wellness can be viewed as a combination of multiple aspects. Thus, improving employee well-being will also improve the employee experience.
Employers finally realise the power employee well-being has to improve the lives of their employees, cut costs related to absenteeism and healthcare, and promote a healthy work environment. As a result of COVID-19, mental well-being has been emphasised more than ever before, which will lead to a greater sense of understanding and empathy in the years to come.
Recently, employers have placed less emphasis on particular health conditions and more on perks like standing desks and fitness activities. Because preventing diseases is much less expensive than curing them, it is also beneficial to employees.
The best way to support well-being at work is to create a culture that makes employees feel safe, making a workplace feel like a second home. It will lead to lower employee burnout and better engagement if well-thought-out and effectively implemented.
Creating a comfortable working environment where your employees thrive requires a meaningful work environment and a less stressful working environment. Regular employee pulse checks are crucial to ensure that your employees are happy at work.
It is mandatory to have an employee management system in place in your organization to have all the required data of your employees to gain your employee insight and how you can better plan for the business productivity.
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